Paper mobile learning

Ik kom net een paper (PDF-formaat, 30 pagina’s)  tegen over mobile learning. Het is geschreven door een bedrijf genaamd 3T, maar met toestemming ook ontsloten via de site van Becta (toch een gerenommeerde club). Ik heb het paper zelf nog niet gelezen. Becta schrijft er o.a. over:

"The paper discusses the possible uses of handheld computers within education/training and the workplace and how they could be used to support the 14-19 curriculum reforms.

This paper looks at some of the research currently available, the claims made by the manufacturers for their products, and tries to open up the debate regarding the intelligent use of handheld devices for the delivery, management and assessment of education and training in the post-14 sector. This paper will only touch briefly on existing or evolving technology."

This content is published under the Attribution 3.0 Unported license.


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