De elektronische leeromgeving van de toekomst

Scott Wilson van CETIS heeft sinds kort een weblog en beschrijft in deze bijdrage interessante gedachten over de elektronische leeromgeving van de toekomst. Ik herken veel van zijn gedachten (personalisatie, connectiviteit; zie Hoe zal e-learning zich in 2005 ontwikkelen?) en deel ze ook.

"eLearning is as much about setting contexts as having tools or content, and the VLE of the future will act like a personal organiser that helps users coordinate tools and services from learning providers. It will also have a very strong social networking capability, so that users can discover other people with shared interests and goals, and forge instant connections. If a user wants to host a sim or a role-play, then they will be able to use their VLE to discover people to take on the other roles based on their published interests and availability.
(…) The VLE will not be institutional, it will be personal, and it will have features that support informal as well as formal learning situations, and a whole range of social activities that we would barely recognize as "learning" today."

Volgens Wilson duurt het geen vijf jaar vóórdat e elektronische leeromgeving van de toekomst is geïmplementeerd. Mmmm….

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