Weblogs gebruiken voor formatief beoordelen

In Using Blogs for Formative Assessment and Interactive Teaching beschrijft Lisa Foggo hoe weblogs gebruikt kunnen worden om informatievaardigheden op een formatieve manier te beoordelen. Het gaat daarbij vooral om het in kaart brengen van de verwachtingen van deelnemers en het aan het eind bepalen van de tevredenheid.

Foggo beschrijft in deze gevalsstudie de opzet en ‘geleerde lessen’. Zij stelt onder meer

The blog worked well in that it engaged all the students in considering their objectives for the session. However, it took up too much time and meant that it was hard to get them to re-focus on their group work. The mentor also agreed that the session was geared to achieving the set objectives and that these were made clearer to students through use of the blog; their blog submissions showed they had understood why they were there. He also felt that the session definitely instilled confidence and represented a satisfactory start. However, more time was needed, probably best devoted to a follow-up session covering any queries arising from completion of the workbook and information on referencing.

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