Elgg, de lerende en de organisatie

Dave Tosh is een serie bijdragen gestart over de ontwikkeling van Elgg. In de eerste bijdrage beschrijft hij de relatie met leeromgevingen zoals Moodle en WebCT, die uitgaan van de organisatie. Elgg wordt geprofileerd als persoonlijke leeromgeving.

Elgg is about giving learners a space which is theirs, to control and use how they wish. It acts as their digital identity, online portfolio, PLE or whatever term you wish to use. (…)
For me, my Elgg space is my social ePortfolio, it is very effective at allowing me, as a graduate student, to capture the informal learning that takes place every time I go online, to record and learn from all the interactions that occur and with the soon to be released presentation tool, I will be able to create snapshot presentations of this learning to demonstrate growth and development – then, if required, export this to the accreditation/assessment area of my institutions CMS/VLE.

This content is published under the Attribution 3.0 Unported license.


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