Kansen voor informeel leren op de werkplek

Henk van Oostrum geeft op de website van het Work & Learn Together project een samenvatting van uitkomsten van een onderzoek naar informeel leren op de werkplek. Enkele interessante bevindingen:

    • Most learning is informal, and consequently most learning that takes place in the workplace is informal. Research estimates it at something like 70% or 80% of all learning.
    • Pedagogical theories derived from educational establishments cannot always relate usefully to the different environment of the workplace. (…)
    • Informal learning is seen as the most significant method of acquiring skills, knowledge and information that we possess whether within workplaces or outside of them.
    • Much of the research actually undertaken in workplaces themselves which engaged employers and employees alike in the research, provides evidence that informal learning may be a considerable business benefit for SMEs if they develop and sustain the many opportunities for it.

Ik hoop wel dat de omvang van het aandeel informeel leren echt is onderzocht en niet alleen is gebaseerd op beweringen van mensen als Jay Cross.

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