Leerervaringen van Cisco

Wie herinnert zich niet de veel geciteerde uitspraak van John Chambers (CEO van Cisco Systems):

The next big killer application for the Internet is going to be education. Education over the Internet is going to be so big it is going to make email usage look like a rounding error.

De vice-president van zijn trainingsafdeling, Tom Kelly,  moest deze leus binnen Cisco zelf waarmaken. Kelly blikt in Cisco’s Quick Study (van FastCompany) terug op de afgelopen jaren. Het artikel is best kritisch over de "leercultuur" binnen deze ICT-gigant.

Sure, almost every company talks about knowledge workers, the information economy, even the learning organization. But few companies act as if they believe what they’re saying. There’s too much work to do, too many deadlines to meet, too many quarterly results to deliver.

Een ander mooi en herkenbaar citaat is

Ultimately, Kelly says, e-learning will be most effective when it no longer feels like learning — when it’s simply a natural part of how people work: "Today, people say, ‘I’m working,’ and what they’re doing is quickly answering emails and voice mails. They don’t say, ‘I’ve got the next two hours slotted for email.’ If you do things in small chunks, they become just another part of your job. We want learning to become just another part of people’s jobs. E-learning will be successful when it doesn’t have its own name."

Kelly hecht verder -uiteraard- veel waarde aan infrastructuur. Daar waar content Koning is, is infrastructuur God. Wat moet ik nu als atheïst?

This content is published under the Attribution 3.0 Unported license.


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