Verschillen tussen online en ’traditionele’ studenten

Tara Stevens en Carrie Switzer hebben onderzocht of studenten in online cursussen verschillen wat betreft motivate, houding en zelfverzekerdheid ten aanzien van het gebruik van technologie.

Instructors developing online courses are faced with the question of whether the students in these classes are fundamentally different from students in traditional courses. If there are differences between the types of students who enroll in online versus traditional classes, instructors would need to be mindful of the differences when designing various aspects of the course.

Eén van de bevindingen is dat studenten van online en ’tradiotionele’ cursussen niet verschillen wat betreft hun houding en zelfverzekerdheid ten aanzien van het gebruik van ICT. De auteurs concluderen ook

In the present study, online students reported higher levels of interest or curiosity as opposed to a need for the teacher’s approval compared to the traditional students. In addition, the online students indicated that they were more motivated to engage in the mastery process that is based on intrinsic motivational factors (i.e. preferring challenging work, being curious and interested, and working toward independent mastery).

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