Waarom volwassen deelnemers voortijdig stoppen met e-learning…

JoAnn Funk analyseert in het artikel "At-Risk Online Learners:Reducing Barriers to Success" waarom bepaalde volwassen deelnemers voortijdig met e-learning stoppen. Zij concludeert onder meer:

An online learner has characteristic risk factors like the life stresses we all experience as an adult, and maybe having no emotional support from school, family, nor community. Having a disability, mental or physical, places one at-risk. Poverty can play a big role by preventing access to hardware, software, and the Internet; much less the cost of tuition and books. The most damaging factor may be the feelings of anxiety, no self-worth, and no one in their world declaring expectations of higher education.

Daarnaast zijn de ICT-vaardigheden van veel volwassenen nog voor verbetering vatbaar, en is men niet gewend aan student-gecentreerd leren en formeel leren door te doen.  Verder stelt Funk:

Learning styles are a factor that can place a student at-risk. These items can lead to feelings of unworthiness.

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