Wireless Networking in the Developing World

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De auteurs van Wireless Networking in the Developing World hebben in dit verband hoge verwachtingen van draadloze technologie:

The overall goal of this book is to help you build affordable communication technology in your local community by making best use of whatever resources are available. Using inexpensive off-the-shelf equipment, you can build high speed data networks that connect remote areas together, provide broadband network access in areas that even dialup does not exist, and ultimately connect you and your neighbors to the global Internet. By using local sources for materials and fabricating parts yourself, you can build reliable network links with very little budget. And by working with your local community, you can build a telecommunications infrastructure that benefits everyone who participates in it.

(…)The emphasis is on building infrastructure links intended to be used as the backbone for wide area wireless networks. With that goal in mind, information is presented from many points of view, including technical, social, and financial factors. The extensive collection of case studies present various groups’ attempts at building these networks, the resources that were committed to them, and the ultimate results of these attempts.

This content is published under the Attribution 3.0 Unported license.


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