Digital Game-Based Learning

Educause Review bevat deze maand onder andere het artikel Digital Game-Based Learning: It’s Not Just the Digital Natives Who Are Restless van Richard van Eck. Hij gaat in op de toenemende aandacht voor Digital Game-Based Learning (DGBL).

If we continue to preach only that games can be effective, we run the risk of creating the impression that all games are good for all learners and for all learning outcomes, which is categorically not the case. What is needed now is (1) research explaining why DGBL is engaging and effective, and (2) practical guidance for how (when, with whom, and under what conditions) games can be integrated into the learning process to maximize their learning potential.

(…) In this article, I will outline why DGBL is effective and engaging, how we can leverage those principles to implement DGBL, how faculty can integrate commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) DGBL in the classroom, what DGBL means for institutional IT support, and the lessons we can learn from past attempts at technological innovations in learning.

Informatieve bijdrage.

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