Handleiding Del.icio.us

David Muir heeft een weblog over ICT en leren (ontdekt via Anne Davis). Hij bericht deze week over een handleiding Del.icio.us: Del.icio.us Delightful De-lovely!Online Social Bookmarking, or: Tagging for Teaching

At one level del.icio.us is a site for saving your favourites/bookmarks online but it is more than that. It is your personal web site where you can store and categorise your bookmarks. (…) Del.icio.us allows you to save a link to anything you view on the web. You can also use it to share what you read on the web with other teachers or
with your students. It has many educational possibilities:

1. Web sites for student research or projects
2. Books recommendations
3. Professional research
4. List of books you would like to read
5. Placing web links on your school web page
6. Students can find resources at home and access them at school and vice versa
7. Share what you are reading or view what your peers are reading on the web
8. Web site collections tagged by school topic

I’m sure you will think of more ways you can use del.icio.us.

In de handleiding beschrijft Muir hoe je je kunt registreren bij Del.icio.us en hoe je het kunt gebruiken. Hij besteedt ook veel aandacht aan tags en het zoeken binnen Del.icio.us.

This content is published under the Attribution 3.0 Unported license.


2 reacties

  1. del.icio.us is echt superhandig!
    Ik heb sinds deze week een weblog (folksonomy.blogspot.com) waar ik meer van deze ‘social software’ zal presenteren en er over berichten.
    Reacties zijn natuurlijk van harte welkom (wel in het Engels graag).

  2. Hello there
    I have just found this page and wanted to say thank you for linking to my del.icio.us guide. Just wanted to let you know that I have updated the guide since you made this post. The link you give still points to the latest version, so you don’t have to change anything. Thought I’d let you know though in case you missed the update.

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