Screencasting in het onderwijs

WWWtools for teachers besteedt aandacht aan screencasting

The screencast is a computer-based presentation tool which can be used online or offline, by individual learners, or with groups of any size. It’s most often seen as a sequence of dynamic screenshots presented as a slide show – think something like PowerPoint meets Vodcast – and is most obviously applied to demonstrate procedures which will normally be encountered in using a computer (…). In this edition of WWWTools for Education, we take a look at the ways in which creative educators and learners worldwide are making short work of expanding our notions of screencasting well beyond tutorials on how to use new applications.

Deze bijdrage bevat veel informatie (vooral in de vorm van hyperlinks) over de achtergronden en toepassingen van screencasting in verschillende onderwijssoorten. In feite een fraaie startpagina.

Commentaar van Stephen Downes:

I especially appreciated his caution: "the relative ease of putting a screencast together can be something of a trap, and a considerable number of candidates for possible use as examples were discarded because they were taking forever to arrive, screenshots were too indistinct, sound levels were too low, speech was impossibly fast, or messages were poorly put together."

Inderdaad. Maar bovenal leiden screencasts vooral tot passieve consumptie van kennis. Graag met mate toepassen, dus.

This content is published under the Attribution 3.0 Unported license.


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