Wat zijn jouw favoriete leertechnologieën? @C4LPT

Jane Hart houdt dit jaar voor de elfde keer een Learning Tools inventarisatie. Het resultaat wordt een Top 200 Tools For Learning 2017. Jane maakt ook dit jaar weer een onderscheid in drie categorieën. Als jij mee wilt stemmen, dan heb je tot 22 september a.s. de tijd. Hier is mijn top 10.

Foto: stevepb, Pixabay

Bij leertechnologieën kan het gaan om technologieën die speciaal voor leren, opleiden en onderwijs zijn ontwikkeld of om tools die voor een ander doel zijn ontwikkeld, maar wel voor leerdoeleinden worden gebruikt.

De drie categorieën zijn:

  • Categorie 1: tools voor persoonlijk en professioneel leren
  • Categorie 2: Tools voor werkplek leren
  • Categorie 3: Tools voor onderwijs en opleiden.

As usual, on behalf of Jane, I will proceed in English.

  1. WordPress (Category 1)
    I use WordPress about seven years to blog. My weblog is my most important learning tool. I blog to process what I see and read, to reflect, to share knowledge and as an archive. My blogposts are thoughts under construction.
  2. Inoreader (Category 1)
    When Google stopped the provision of Google Reader, I experimented with several alternative RSS readers. Soon, Inoreader became my new gateway to a large amount of weblogs. Two years ago I added some Twitter-lists to this feed reader. I use Inoreader of my iPhone, iPad and MacBook. It is easy to organise and share items or save items in Pocket.
  3. Pocket (Category 1)
    I use Pocket to save blogposts and online articles. I read them on my iPad an Macbook (often input for blog posts). I also have the opportunity to tweet, mail or save them to Diigo or Evernote.
  4. Franz (Category 1)
    Franz is a free messaging app that combines chat & messaging services into one application. I have combined WhatsApp, Slack, Skype, Twitter, Facebook Messenger and Telegram in Franz. I use it on my MacBook and it helps me to review received messages and to send messages in different messaging services, in a very efficient way.
  5. Mentimeter (Category 2 and 3)
    I use Mentimeter (pro-version) during workshops and presentations for activating previous knowledge, to identify beliefs or opinions, or to start discussions. Very easy to use. Mentimeter has different types of questions, and it enables you reuse events. It can be used with large groups as well.
  6. Google Forms (Category 2 and 3)
    I use Google Forms to identify opinions of participants in workshops (e.g. prioritizing), to evaluate workshops and to assess learning technologies and e-learning modules (e.g. during workshops).
  7. Scoop-it (Category 1)
    Great tool if you want to share your insights without writing extensive blogposts. I scoop about technology enhanced learning. I think it’s important not only to share links, but also short personal reflections.
  8. Vitero (Category 2 and 3)
    Vitero stands for ‘virtual team room’. It is a powerful application for synchronic online learning activities like virtual meetings, virtual classroom sessions or webinars. Vitero has interesting interaction possibilities and pedagogical features. For example: you can see when a participant is using a different application on it’s device ;-). Participants might have to install vitero.exe or vitero.dmg to attend sessions, or they have to be able to run the application.
  9. Padlet (Category 2 and 3)
    Padlet is an easy to use digital corkboard. You can use it to activate prior knowledge, to brainstorm or to share ideas of participants. You can save and share the outcomes.
  10. Google Drive (Category 2)
    I use Google Drive and OneDrive to collaborate with clients (writing documents). I prefer Google Drive. You have more edit-possibilities in the browser version. I have two Office 365 accounts. This lead to issues with synchronization.  However: don’t use Google for ‘sensitive’ data.

So, still no Slack, LinkedIn (although working on a come back), ProConIt (very interesting, although I used it few times) or Mastodon (maybe next year?). I use a lot of tools for quite some time. Maybe I am more conservative than I want to admit 😉 (as far as learning technologies are concerned).

Vote for the Top Tools for Learning 2017

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