Wat is er anders aan e-learning 2.0?

Ik ben projectleider van een Europees project, genaamd Work & Learn Together. Dit project komt langszamerhand ‘op stoom’. We gebruiken een community met o.a. weblog faciliteit.

Vandaag heb ik een bericht geschreven -geïnspireerd door het artikel E-learning 2.0 van Stephen Downes en mijn weblog post ‘E-learning 2.0: bull shit?‘- over de belangrijkste veranderingen van e-learning 2.0 ten opzichte van e-learning zoals we dat kennen. De belangrijkste veranderingen zijn wat mij betreft:

  • New technologies -like weblogs- enable learners to take control over their own learning process. They enable the development of personalised learning environment. They create a feeling of ownership which stimulates learning.
  • New technologies are more user friendly than Web 1.0 technology. So, new technologies enable online participation.
  • New technologies like RSS and trackback enable connectivity and interaction.
  • Open educational resources, open source software and creative commons are becoming more and more popular. An increasing number of institutes and people are willing to share information and knowledge. New technologies (e.g. peer-to-peer) are making this possible (easier than before).
  • Multimedia on the web is becoming more popular. Thanks to a wider adoption of broadband and -again- user friendly technology. This is far more than reading and writing. And far more stimulating for the ‘net generation’.
  • Tools like weblogs and wiki’s enable the development of ideas, knowledge and meaning. Articles (even online articles) are published when they are ready. Only few people contribute to the development. Wiki’s and weblogs are less formal. They are more personal. Thanks wo new new technologies more people (from different disciplines) are able to contribute to development of ideas, knowledge and meaning by connecting and confronting their personal views and opinions.
  • The Internet becomes ubiquitous, thanks to mobile technology. In and outside the workplace. Just in time learning, learning anyplace and anywhere becomes reality now.

This content is published under the Attribution 3.0 Unported license.


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