Weblogs of discussiefora?

De grootste toegevoegde waarde van deze post van Tom Karrer over weblogs versus discussiegroepen is -als je het mij vraagt- het aantal verwijzingen naar andere bronnen dat hier in vermeld staat. Zinvolle opmerking:

One thing I have experience myself is that a blog has been a much better personal learning tool than participating in discussion forums. It has also been a much better way for me to connect and build a relationship with other people (bloggers).

Mee eens. Ik lever ook liever bijdragen via mijn weblog dan dat ik reageer in een forum van een organisatie. Het aspect van eigenaarschap motiveert meer. Maar ik merk ook dat Internetters die niet zo natuurlijk web 2.0 technologie gebruiken, moeite hebben om dergelijke discussies te volgen. 

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2 reacties

  1. Wilfred,
    This is not a direct comment to the issue you have raised but an interesting observation. Today I was visiting a German Berufskolleg with another researcher from our institute. We were discussing the importance of blogs in current educational development. In this context we wante to present your blog as an example of Dutch edu-blogging. However, the German filter that protects children and youth from unsuitable materials prevented us from opening your blog. The only thing we could show was a SURF page that lists different Dutch blogs (including yours). However, we couldn’t open the link from this page to your blog (which appears to be suspect because of the name “Rubens”). Have you already been alerted to this problem?
    Pekka Kämäräinen
    ITB, University of Bremen

  2. Hi Pekka,
    This is weird. It’s the first time that someone wrote me s/he couldn’t visit my weblog because a filter blocked it. And I hope it is possible for German students to search for websites about the famous Flemish painter (who lived quite a while in Cologne and who is not related to me).

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